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Thursday, October 14, 2010

summary/notes for Harmony Reading

Harmony - a pleasing set of simultaneous sounds or a picture arrangement that is easy on the eye

Thematic unity - collection of similar or related objects in a composition

gestalt - organized whole, the whole work will have a greater meaning than the sum of, or despite, the meanings
of the parts

proximity (most logical way to achieve unity)
repetition (repetition with variation = powerful stimulus)
continuation (more subtle)

grid (strict = boring, loose = better) (consistency and continuity)

Continuation is the manner in which a pathway of explicit and hidden
lines leads the eye around a composition.

Continuity means unifying a
series of paintings or pages in a book- or scenes in a play- by using a device such
as a master grid

theme - a melody that is repeated or on which variations are constructed.

alignment - edges line up

similarity of value and color

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