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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday, 8/31/10 ...Dots Update

Top Image:
Thumbnail conversion workspace.

Middle Image:
All 6x6 dot sheets, the columns from left to right are closure, proximity, continuance, and similarity.

Bottom Image: Best of the principles. (same column order as middle image)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday, 8/28/10. Cardboard Organic Project - Birth

Upon research of my spindle-like seed pod looking object, I've made some observations:

-I found that the pod/core is split and frayed in its ends, where the tendrils come out.

I believe I can recreate this by simply segmenting the cardboard and distressing it with something rough such as sandpaper, or perhaps by scraping it with the edge of a blade.

-The tendrils themselves are concave in shape. The outside curve is relatively smooth, with lines running down its length. On the inside there is a single rib that also runs its length, with rough concave portions on either side.

For recreating this, I found that removing the top layer of a piece of corrugated cardboard will expose it's corrugated ribbing, from this I can cut out a ribbon to form something similar to the tendril. I also found that by scraping the teeth of a pocketknife saw along the opposite side I can recreate the lines that are on the outside curve. I also decided to fray some of the edges on the cardboard tendril to make it appear more natural. After bending it into a concave shape, the cardboard tendril is complete.

> My prototype is on the left side of the image, and the sketch I used for it is to the immediate right.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday, 8/27/2010. Lecture Summary

In 2D

A COMPOSITION is a collaboration of elements such as...point, line, shape/form, color(hue), texture, space, and value(shade).

     - It exists in not only visual art, but music, literature, nature, and other mediums.

     - a composition can have Rhythm, Harmony, Dissonance/discord/contrast, Variation.

When we see a composition it is natural to first see THE WHOLE, but this whole is a composition of many elements and can be described with GESTALT's principles: proximity, closure, continuance, similarity.

In 3D

FORM - The sum total of an objects physical characteristics.
!(separate from meaning/content)!

Wednesday, 8/25/10. 1st Class Summary.

We were given the task to build an object out of  newspaper and tape capable of supporting a cinder-block. After some chicken-scratch and conceptual doodles to work out my thoughts, I went to work and produced the structure in the image. My plan for its construction was to have 4 pieces of rolled up newspaper function as vertical supports, these were braced on the inside by bunched-up newspaper, in case the weight applied had been enough to collapse them. The supports were also reinforced with tape on the outside, to prevent them from bowing out and to contain the bunched-up innards.

Even though the motivating principle was "the taller the better", I decided to go with a more stable/reliable structure because in my opinion a tall support isn't a great choice if it collapses easily.

The structure performed admirably in the cinder block test, and even held up to the weight of a person standing on it, although the latter wasn't fully accounted for in construction and resulted in some questionable torquing of the structure.